About InsideOut Ministries

Hal Milton and Sonya Milton, Ministers, InsightOut Misistry, Napa California.

InsideOut is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to evoking and celebrating the authentic expression of the divinity inherent in all people.

Hal Milton is an ordained Unity minister residing in Napa, California.

He earned a Master of Science, specializing in physiology of exercise, at UCLA and spent his early career teaching, coaching, and operating his own realty brokerage firm.

He is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and Movement consultant and integrates his body/mind/emotion mastery into facilitating workshops, classes and seminars.

Sonya Milton, Minister, InsightOut Misitries, Napa, CaliforniaSonya Milton currently serves as Minister at Unity San Francisco

She served Unity in Napa Valley as Senior Minister from 1996 through 2001.

Previously, she spent over four years at Unity Church of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN and while there co-founded InsideOut Ministries with her husband, Rev. Hal Milton. She has extensive training in body therapies and facilitating group process and is a certified Advanced Rolfer and Structural Awareness Teacher.

It is her joy to honor the special, divine, and diverse qualities inherent in each individual.

Member of the Association of Unity Churches, affiliated with Unity Institute, publishers of Daily Word. ® The word Rolfing is a Service Mark of THE ROLF INSTITUTE of Structural Integration.